Need advice!!! My friend passed away in 2011 and her minor daughter was placed in the care of her oldest son. The oldest son has taken the child from home to home in several cities and wasn't taking care of her. He is currently using the SS checks to support his drug habits and not his sister. The minor child is now staying with the deceased ex-husband and his wife. (Also the oldest child father and step-mother). If that makes sense. The minor's child bilogocal father is know where is to found. The child is now in a better enviromwnt where she is being cared for and attending school. Right now the step-mother (of the oldest son) wants full custody of the girl, right now she was granted temporary custody. The minor child is currently happy in her new home and wants to stay there She has told DCF how her brother uses drugs and is always moving her. I'm trying to help out the step mother, she wants to know what to do to get full custody and also get the SS checks to stop coming to her step-son who currently is not leaving in the same home. The minor child has been leaving with the step-mother for almost 1 year now and she is also the one who enrolled the minor child into school. Please help thank you.
IF your friend was award temporary custody of the child - take the court order to the social security office and the step mom will become the payee for the minor child. After that, follow the forms on Family Law and file a Petition for Adoption.
You have to file a petition for guardianship or custody by a relative.
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