Saturday, April 25, 2015

I'm 17 and pregnant and my mother won't let me marry my boyfriend (he's 23 and the father of my unborn child and she gives full consent of t...


I'm 17 and pregnant and my mother won't let me marry my boyfriend (he's 23 and the father of my unborn child and she gives full consent of the relationship) because she doesn't want to give up my SSI (she's my payee); can his mother fight for guardianship of me, so that I'm able to revive my full SSI and marry my boyfriend?


How can you be so sure your mother's motive is greed? How do you know that she doesn't want you to finish school, for example? And, your boyfriend, for such an old guy, how come he can't support you and the kid--why would you need the SSI?

Your best bet, if you are serious, is to become emancipated. Grow up, you're a mother now. Don't become your mother, whom you obviously disrespect.

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