We purchased a property in October of 2012 with the understanding that a garage would be built. before our initial closing date, the seller toldus that she was having issues securing a permit to do so because of the language of the easement agreement that was written up in the 70s. The city asked the seller to have the language clarified with our neighbor whose land the easement was on. The seller did so and submitted the document to the city recorder, the permit was secured, and the garage went forward. Fast forward, after closing, the garage is finished and we find out we can't use it, because of our neighbor's shed is in the way (on our land- the turning radius is too sharp for us to get into our garage). We talk to the neighbor, ask if we can move his shed over ten feet so we can use our garage, and he tells us no because he has rights to our land in that spot in case he wants to build a garage in the future! Long story short, we find out the seller amended the agreement 4 days before closing to include this! We never were notified of this, although our title company apparently was, as I just found out.
Hello. Please do confer privately with an attorney for help with your legal issues. You ought not delay in securing legal counsel to address your issues. Some attorneys are available seven days for emergency legal needs. Many attorneys will confer initially at no charge. Then, if legal work is performed, some attorneys will provide a reduced fee for financial hardship. Some attorneys may also assist you in limited scope manner to conserve legal costs. All the best.
Tricia Dwyer, Esq.
Phone: 612-296-9666
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