The teenage boy who lives below me blasts music 24/7. His parents work all the time, I've seen them 3 times in 6 months. As a result he doesn't listen to my polite requests to turn it down. Or the apt security guards. Or the police who had to break the door down when they picked him up for truancy because the music was so loud. How can I stop this?
call the police every single time he is blasting music. insist that they issue a ticket for excessive noise (check the local town ordinance to see if there is an ordinance prohibiting excessive noise)
call the apartment security guards every single time....
you say that you can not talk to the parents. write to them. have a lawyer write to them.
write to your landlord, tell them you can not stand it, you can not live peaceably there.
you may want to talk to a local lawyer and see whether you can hold back your rent in protest. i do not know that you can do that.
not good.
Mr. Davies has given you good advice. To that I would add that you should try to make some recordings if you can. Judging sound level on recordings can be hard. One way is to record both the noise and a conversation at the same time. That can give a judge an idea of how loud the music is. If you are in need of a Burlington County lawyer, give me a call.
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