Monday, October 27, 2014

I know of a woman who breeds her poor husky twice a year (every heat) and has done so for at the least the past 4 cycles. She is slowly kill...


I know of a woman who breeds her poor husky twice a year (every heat) and has done so for at the least the past 4 cycles. She is slowly killing her dog (and misrepresenting the puppies too) and as an animal advocate I would like to get the word out about this woman's mistreatment of her dog (one dog puppy mill!). How can i do this publicly (so as to warn potential buyers what they would be supporting) without getting hit with a "defamation of character" (etc) type lawsuit??? I doubt she has reported any of her income from puppy sales ($7-800 per pup x 8 pups x 2 times per yr = $12,800) to the IRS. Maybe she can be stopped that way?

PS- I am in Canada and she is in the US if that makes any difference.


If you don't mind getting sued, you can do anything you like. I doubt that what she is doing is illegal, so what you are proposing is personally instigating a slander and boycott against her and her business. Do so at your own risk.

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