Wednesday, October 15, 2014

my husband has been charged with obstruction of an officer and shop lifting. i would just like to know what happens in this CASES?


my husband has been charged with obstruction of an officer and shop lifting. i would just like to know what happens in this CASES?


He potentially faces a couple years in jail (worst case scemario) [more if it is felony obstruction or felony shoplifting]. He should get a good criminal lawyer ASAP.


You will receive notice of his arraignment soon. At that point you need to be in a position to make an educated decision on a plea. Its time to start calling law firms to assist you and your family. Feel free to initiate contact with us at: [email protected]/* */

Best of luck to you,


No one can tell you what will happen in your husband's case. Procedurally, there is a routine. See my website, under court dates: As far as what type of sentence he is facing, probation or jail, you have not provided any info. See website under FAQ for soem idea fo how prosecutor's construct plea offers. Good luck.

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