Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Plans to build a car that holds an egg and rolls down a ramp without breaking the egg?

Plans to build a car that holds an egg and rolls down a ramp without breaking the egg?
make the car out of half an egg carton (sounds like it wouldn't work but it will). The egg cartons egg holder makes for a good seat. stuff one or two cotton balls in the seat for the egg's safety. Use rubber bands as seat belts (go across both ways with two rubberbands). Take toy car and tear off the wheels. Take cardboard, and you should be able to put the wheels through the cardboard. Hot glue the cardboard to the bottom of the egg carton (all the pieces should have been cut right to make the egg carton fit on the cardboard) and your pretty much done. If you want to add any other safety things to the car, go ahead.

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