Saturday, January 25, 2014

my license is currently suspended cause not being able to make payment to surcharge the judge ordered my to have my license suspended for 90...


my license is currently suspended cause not being able to make payment to surcharge the judge ordered my to have my license suspended for 90 days but the problem is my disabled father can not handle driving me to work cause of me working overnights and there is buses that around the time i go to work. am i able to go to the judge with proof of him being this sick numbness from the sitting for long periods of time and i really need to get the suspense either reduced or if i can get a license just to go to work and back and thats it.


NJ does not allow work licenses. You have a right to go back into the sentencing court and ask that the sentence (in your case the license suspension period) be amended (reduced). This has to be done through what is known as a "Motion" under NJ Court Rule 7:9-4(a). It sounds like you have compelling circumstances to present a successful Motion. I suggest that you hire an experienced lawyer for the best chance at success.


Mr. Marootian is correct. New Jersey does not have the option of a Temporary license to travel back and forth from work. Your only option is to file a Motion to bring the matter before the Judge who sentenced you and present the argument that you need the suspension reduced based on the severe hardship that is being placed on your family based on your inablity to get back and forth to your job. It would also pay to consult an experienced municipal Court attorney. Please feel free to call with any questions (201)-342-5030, otherwise good luck.

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