Saturday, January 25, 2014

My sister is the co-owner of a vehicle (she is listed as the 2nd owner) registered in GA. The title was not registered with Joint Interest i...


My sister is the co-owner of a vehicle (she is listed as the 2nd owner) registered in GA. The title was not registered with Joint Interest in Tendency. The other owner was the father of her child but they never married. However, he was married to someone else even though they have been separated for a number of years (never divorced). The other owner passed away without leaving a will. My sister paid for the majority of the vehicle (approx 4 out 5 years). The other owner probably had credit card debt upon his passing away. What should my sister do in order to transfer the vehicle in her name only and not risk losing the car?


She can offer to purchase the co-owner's helf interest in the vehicle from the estate representative, and not make the same mistake in the future.


There is NO such thing as a Joint Interest in Tendency so I have no clue what you are saying as to that.

She only owns half the car. She cannot take the other half from the other owner. She may be able to purchase her interest if she chooses to sell it .., an

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