Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I made online hotel reservation through Venere.com on Dec 21,2012 for Dec26-29. I received confirmation email shortly about reservation sayi...


I made online hotel reservation through Venere.com on Dec 21,2012 for Dec26-29. I received confirmation email shortly about reservation saying RESERVATION STATUS: confirmed.

Venere.com used my credit card details to make reservation and told that I will be charged at Hotel check-in. They didn't charged my credit card. When I went to hotel (Florida), Hotel said, we have not received any reservation through Venere.com and we won't be able to give you room. I called Venere.com Customer Care, they said "our system is down we can't check anything. We have not charged your card, so you can make a different reservation if you want. We don't take any responsibility" . They are

not willing to take any responsibility nor compensate for high price I had to pay to pay for such instant reservation. I had very bad experience and difficult

situation with them. I have a reservation confirmed email from Venere.cpm and the Hotel gave me a written statement saying they have not received any reservation from Venere.com and Venere is not taking any actions nor helping me with situation. I want to take firm action against them or have atleast my additional expenses covered.

Can you please suggest, what action can be taken in this scenario? Thanks a lot in advance.... Praveen G


You would need to sue them where they are located. I think France. You would need to speak with an attorney there.

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