Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I was fired from my job during my tenure I have felt threatened that if I made a mistake, I could lose my job. I was told that I was too ol...


I was fired from my job; during my tenure I have felt threatened that if I made a mistake, I could lose my job. I was told that I was too old to go and find a new job because in our market, they only were hiring 20 year olds. ( I am 53) I transposed a number on a report, and I sent it, the same district who told me I was too old, called and said she would be at the office on the Monday after Thanksgiving. I received a severance package that if I signed, they would not fight I could get unemployment. If I did not seek legal counsel. They offered me a month salary only if I would sign papers not to come back on them. I have received all bonuses since starting with the company in property management, hit all financial goals. I have felt since the day that she told me I was too old and could be replaced by younger staff, that I was doomed no matter what. It was an everyday pressure to never make a mistake. I was told I could never go outside of her for any help should I ever have a question. Do I have a case or should I just accept the severance?


Without reviewing the particular terms of the severance which you signed

and the legal constraints which may now have foreclosed you from a claim

under the federal ADEA (age discrimination), there would be no way to

offer a credible opinion on this matter (in my view).

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