Thursday, July 17, 2014

I am charged with Disorderly persons offence for $47 shoplifting at Walmart NJ. The section is 2c 20-11b(2). Can you please let me know, wha...


I am charged with Disorderly persons offence for $47 shoplifting at Walmart NJ. The section is 2c 20-11b(2). Can you please let me know, what would be my penalties. This is my first offence.


The penalties are not so much a problem as the consequences of a shoplifting conviction. You need to have the charge dismissed or amended to some charge which is not a variety of theft, as shoplifting is. Such a conviction will not only keep you from working in the investment, insurance and banking world; it will keep you from working at McDonalds or CVS.

In any event the maximum penalties for shoplifting are six months in jail and a $1,000.00. First offenders rarely go to jail and usually pay a fine of less than $250.00.

Call me, if you like.


The fines are minimal probably no more than 500 but if the offense cannot be downgraded you face a criminal conviction. There are other issues to discuss,please call my office for an appointment so that we can discuss your case. I have handled many similiar municipal court matters.


You are facing fines of up to $1,000.00 plus other lesser mandatory monetary penalties, up to six months in jail, and mandatory community service. Some counties will allow you to downgrade a shoplifting charge to some non-criminal municipal ordinance offense and others won't. Please contact my office to discuss your case in more detail. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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