Friday, February 14, 2014

With reference to interstate telephone recording conversation. I requested a copy of an audio recordingnofnwhichni was a conscenting party. ...


With reference to interstate telephone recording conversation. I requested a copy of an audio recordingnofnwhichni was a conscenting party. The other party, the one recording the conversation agreed to provide me a copy. However,mtwomdays afterwards, I was informed that the other party deleted the recorded conversation. Is this legal?


This was a little unclear. From what I gather, need to know much more about surrounding facts/ circumstances to say something meaningful here. E.g., Who are the interested parties? Why they have come together on this call, and what prior history do they have? What was the nature and substance of the call? Why was it (apparently) recorded, and what is the evidence it was recorded? What is the evidence of the knowledge of recording of some or all? Do any federal, state or local laws or regulations purport to apply? What is the usual custom and practice in the local industry? AND, how does the current state of the law apply to or inform these issues? And lots of other things. This one need lots more facts. Good luck.

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