This has to do with family, specifically custody for one child. My daughter's father was absent the majority of our two year old daughter. He has filed for a petition to legitimation which I didn't oppose to because I encourage he spends time with her. We have made the parenting plan proposal & agreed on days he could come see her BUT we did not agree on unsupervised visitation. Only on Tuesdays & Saturday were chosen since those are his only days off, which he rarely came. The mediator asked when he could get unsupervised visitation...we agreed PROBABLY after he's gotten to know her enough so we agreed MAYBE when we go to court if he has made the effort to see her, he would be granted unsupervised visitation. He did not show up as planned, he was always coming at 9pm or later on his "off" days, I just didn't see why he wanted to file if he wasnt ready to. We went to court on the 16th of April & he was granted the legitimation. Now he still fails to show up during the times he asked for but he still wants to take her outside the home unsupervised. My daughter has no room, no clothes, not even a car seat within his possession so I refused for two reasons: he doesn't have the necessary items to take care of her nor does she quite know him. So I made suggestions to wean her from me to him, but he wants his way & is threatening that he will take me to court if I choose to not follow his request. I have not prevented him to see his daughter but he'd rather just take her. Will he be granted unsupervised visits? Even with those reasons I stated above?
Little in your post gives a reason a judge would require long term supervision (and we don't know what your order says), so what you left out matters more than what you posted. You also gave us no details as to what was signed in the present order. Additionally, you do NOT have a legal problem at this time. If a case happened just 12 days ago, it is very unlikely a court will hear another case now. You're reacting to a case that does not exist, and you can't respond to that.
Since I am sure your child is important to you, you certainly got a lawyer in your past case, and that lawyer is where you should direct your questions, as he has read the paperwork.
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