Monday, February 23, 2015

I was detained and given a summons to court for possession of marijuana. A police officer walked up on us in my car while me and two other m...


I was detained and given a summons to court for possession of marijuana. A police officer walked up on us in my car while me and two other males were smoking in a parking lot. We had one lit joint and one smaller joint of high-grade marijuana. My car was search and they found some rolling papers. We were honest with the officer and did not cause any problems. I informed him I did not own the weed, I was just smoking it. I've had a summons to court before for marijuana possession in 2010. But it was dismissed because the evidence, lab results, nor the police officer were in the court, and all I had to do was pay court cost. My criminal record has no misdemeanors or felonies. So will I be tried as a first offender this time? Also what kind of charges/punishment can I expect to be given?


Yes, if you have no discoverable convictions for felonies nor misdemeanors on your record, you should be given the option of probation with conditions as described under Va. Code Sec. 18.2-251 in return for your plea of guilty.

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