Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hello, I am wondering if we protective parent women, would have a case to file a class action suit against the state for courts failing to p...


Hello, I am wondering if we protective parent women, would have a case to file a class action suit against the state for courts failing to protect our children when Women tell about child abuse, where the newest Judicial officers ie: Judges and commissioners alike, are trained to "Be suspicious of "WOMEN" who bring forward abuse allegations in a child custody dispute or divorce to assure they are not alleging child abuse due to father moving on and engaging in another relationship with some other person. This is a very sexist and discriminating statement for new judges and new commissioners to be told to do while in there initial 40 ours of training of how to be a judge. This is a disgusting display of judicial corruption and must end! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION SOON>????? Thank you... California Civil litigation (Nor Cal)



(Please don't email me for explanations there is no attorney-client relationship.)

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