Monday, December 15, 2014

my gf is not yet divorced. she is now pregnant-legally who is father?


my gf is not yet divorced. she is now pregnant-legally who is father?


this is complicated. if DNA tests show you are the father, then you are. I think you should talk this over with a lawyer, because her husband is still married to her. There are other issues that will arise too. And there is the presumption in the law that all children born to her while married are the children of her husband.

I can explain things in much better detail if you come see me. I will meet with you for free for half an hour, and go over your situation.

Give me a call, make an appointment to come see me, and let's get moving on this for you. No charge for the telephone call and no charge for the first office visit.

Robert Davies, Esq. 201-820-3460

The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

45 Essex Street, Suite 3 West

Hackensack New Jersey 07601

Phone: 201-820-3459

Fax: 201-820-3461

Email: [email protected]/* */


Please keep in mind that my response is just a general comment on your question, and not legal advice. I have answered based upon the law of the State of New Jersey where I practice; the laws in other states may be very different, and may result in very different outcomes. Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. The exact details of your situation and things that you have not mentioned in your question can completely change the response I gave. You can not rely upon what I have written as legal advice, because I do not have all of the information that I need to advise you, I only have the very small amount of information that you put into your question. To get legal advice that you can rely on and use, please contact me directly.


having just handled a similiar case we have to see how the test results turn out. Feel free to call my office to set up an appointment.


Generally, there is a presumption in New Jersey that the man married to a woman at the time of her child's birth is the father. DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this is general information for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. It is strongly advised that you contact a local attorney to obtain legal advice specific to your case.

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