Monday, August 18, 2014

I was recently arrested for disorderly person and found out then that I had a warrant for a 1987 careless driving ticket. I was also told at...


I was recently arrested for disorderly person and found out then that I had a warrant for a 1987 careless driving ticket. I was also told at that time that I owed $95. so I had to post a $95. bail for that to be released . I thought that would end it, however I just received a notice from that court of a court date?? I do not live in that area anymore and do not have any way to go there. again this is a 26 yr old ticket which I do not remember. what do I do ??



This type if issue will require a Court appearance. However, since you are out of state, if you have an attorney represent you typically you would be allowed to proceed through an affidavit without appearing.

If you are interested please feel free to call me and we can discuss outcomes costs etc. at 973 686-9787



Hire me to represent you by affidavit to resolve this case for you without you having to make an appearance. I do this all the time. Thank you. Sincerely, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-


Call the court and ask if you can plead guity by and also authorize their using you bail to pay the fine. If uou can not call me.


The $95.00 was the bail requirement that was probably set by the Court because you never dealt with ticket. By paying that money this lifts the warrant and can allow the Court to reschedule your case. It is unfortunate that you cannot appear there because before rushing to have an attorney plead you guilty by affidavit to a 25 year old ticket it would pay to find out if the officer who wrote the ticket is even still employed with the department or available. It would first pay to find that out because if they cannot produce the officer then the state cannot prove the case and you may be able to get the ticket dismissed. The court may assess a contempt of Court fine for your failure to appear but this is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed before you run to plead out a ticket that the prosecutor cannot prove. Feel free to call if you wish 201 342 5030

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