Thursday, August 14, 2014

back child support paymentsI have been payint child support for over 15 years. How can I stop the payments. My son is 30 years old


back child support payments

I have been payint child support for over 15 years. How can I stop the payments. My son is 30 years old


Re: back child support payments

check your divorce judgment and support orders. I find it unlikely you were ordered to pay past 18 years old. If there actually is such an order, go back to court and seek a modification.


Re: back child support payments

Child support should have terminated twelve (12) years ago, or as soon as your son reached 18 years of age.

You do not need to file a writ or an appeal, but rather a motion to terminate child support. You would only file the writ or appeal from denial of your motion.

There is a large class action lawsuit against several of the county child support agencies. If it is a county child support agency that is collecting from you, despite his age, contact me and I will forward you the number of the attorney who is handling the matter. It is also my understanding that the FBI was investigating several of the agencies for mail fraud and public agency corruption.

Very truly yours,


Re: back child support payments

I'd investigate how that happened and determine whether or not the overpayment is recoverable. In the meantime set an OSC to stop paments. Contact me directly.


Re: back child support payments

It sounds like there have been past due support that is still owing. You must pay that past due support along with the interest before you can stop paying support. If you can bring your orders and payment history to me, I can give you some suggestions to get it paid off. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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