Friday, March 28, 2014

Maybe I worded my last question poorly as I never received a response, but I live in Los Angeles, CA and have a problem with a hospital that...


Maybe I worded my last question poorly as I never received a response, but I live in Los Angeles, CA and have a problem with a hospital that will not validate a bills that are now spread across the country with various debt collectors. I am not sure, but I think I need an attorney because the billing hospital will not/cannot validate their bills. In 2007 I was homeless and taken to Brotman Hospital a few times in October and November. I have since cleaned myself up and trying to get on with my life. I have paid what I thought was the majority of debt incurred (including Brotman) over those difficult years. However, just this month I have been swarmed by out of state bill collectors and law firms demanding payment. One used profanity after I asked for debt validation. None of these companies will justify basic information about the bill. I called the billing department of Brotman, and after several days of run around. I a told they could not help me, and will not explain or justify any of their bills. I believe that many of these charges are for services I never received or were not necessary. I am under a lot of duress, and feel very overwhelmed by how little help is available. I need help!


At this point, you should contact a Consumer Law/Bankruptcy attorney for assistance. You may have valid defenses to some of these debts. At the very least you can get the calls to stop by sending a Cease and Desist Letter. If the collection agencies are using unfair debt collection practices, you can sue them for statutory damages.

Good luck!


Report the debt collectors to the Federal Trade commission at The statute of limitations may have run which would completely bar any lawsuit.

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